The Treasurer presented a report that informed Members of the current position in relation to budgets for 2016/17 and beyond. It was highlighted that since the Authority papers were published the final grant settlement had been received and was more generous than anticipated. Amended appendices and recommendations had been circulated to reflect this.
Councillor Richard Udall proposed the use of an additional £60,000 from reserves for investment into community fire safety to focus on areas of social deprivation and in particular houses with multiple occupancy.
It was agreed that Policy and Resources consider this matter at the next Committee meeting following further detail from the Chief Fire Officer about where and how the investment can have the most impact.
i) the Capital Budget and Programme as attached at Appendix 1 to the minutes be approved;
ii) the Revenue Budget as attached at Appendix 2 to the minutes be approved;
iii) the Authority calculates that in relation to the year 2016/17:
a) the aggregate expenditure it will incur will be £33,055,000.00;
b) the aggregate income it will receive will be £11,572,980.00;
c) the net amount transferred from financial reserves will be £631,000.00;
d) the net amount of its Council Tax Requirement will be £20,851,020.00;
e) the basic amount of Council Tax will be £78.00 (Band D);
f) the precept demands on the individual Billing Authorities are:
- Bromsgrove £2,761,550.31
- Herefordshire £5,216,038.18
- Malvern Hills £2,291,088.98
- Redditch £1,961,249.23
- Worcester £2,390,128.42
- Wychavon £3,678,286.20
- Wyre Forest £2,552,678.68
iv) the Medium Term Financial Plan as attached at Appendix 3 to the minutes be approved;
v) the Statement of Prudential Indicators and Minimum Revenue Provision Policy attached at Appendix 4 to the minutes be approved; and
vi) Policy and Resources to consider allocating a further £60,000 from reserves to improve community safety campaigns in areas of social deprivation, particularly with regards to Houses of Multiple Occupation.