Members of the public have the right to attend meetings of the Authority and its committees except where confidential or exempt information is likely to be disclosed and the meeting is therefore held in private. Members of the public and the press are entitled to report on any of the Authority's meetings that are held in public.
Members of the public also have the right to ask a question, make a statement or present a petition at Full Authority meetings. For further details about attending meetings please refer to the relevant documents in the Documents Library or email
The Fire Authority does not record or film Authority Meetings. Members of the public do have the right to film, record or report electronically on any meeting to which the public are admitted provided you do not do so in a manner that is disruptive to the meeting. If you are present at a meeting of the Authority you will be deemed to have consented to being filmed or recorded by anyone exercising their rights under this paragraph.
For further information please see the protocol in the Constitution.
Our meetings are shown on the calendar below. Agendas and reports to be considered at meetings can be accessed by clicking on the relevant meeting on the calendar below.