The Assistant Chief Fire Officer updated Members on Equality Objectives for Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 2022/23.
Since the report was published, the report of the cultural review undertaken by Dr D Willoughby had been published and circulated to all Members.
A number of the areas highlighted as amber, are closer to green. Training as mentioned in the report by Dr Willoughby is already being rolled out across the Authority.
The Chairman asked what the time line was for the converting of the items from amber to green. The Assistant Chief Fire Officer confirmed that the training was being provided to over 700+ members of staff and therefore this is estimated to take between 12 – 18 months.
It was agreed that future updates would indicate the percentage of staff who had completed the training.
The Assistant Chief Officer confirmed that the Member EDI Champions continued to be very engaged in the work being undertaken.
The Committee noted its satisfaction with the work being undertaken and the strategies that the Authority is putting into place to deal with EDI.
i) the progress made against the Equality Objectives 2021-2025 for Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 2021-2022 be noted; and
ii) the future delivery and governance of the Service's Equality Agenda from 2023-2024 be noted.