Area Commander Mark Preece presented a report for Members to note the progress made to date and, prior to consideration by the full Authority, discussed the recommendations which represent the detailed findings of the Project Arrow Team as supported by the Joint Project Board and the Member Reference Group. The Chief Fire Officer confirmed to Members that the reserve set aside for additional costs during the review had not been used.
i) an operational collaboration between the two Fire and Rescue Services be progressed under the direction of the two Chief Fire Officers and the Strategic Director of Resources, Warwickshire County Council;
ii) Hereford & Worcester Fire Authority and Warwickshire County Council continue exploring greater collaboration between the two Fire and Rescue Services, working towards a strategic alliance light by late 2015 under the direction of the Joint Project Board;
iii) a further report be submitted to the Joint Project Board in the summer of 2015 detailing the progress made;
iv) the Joint Project Board continue to meet biannually;
v) work to date is shared with other key partners, notably Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service, Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service, West Mercia Police and Warwickshire Police with the aim of stimulating interest in wider collaboration; and
vi) no further work on Options 4 (strategic alliance contractual) and 5 (full combination) in the options appraisal attached at Appendix 1 be progressed until the report submitted in the summer of 2015 has been considered.