The Chief Fire Officer invited Members to review the pay of the Chief Fire Officer (and consequently of all Principal Officers), review the current allowance paid for the Treasurer function and to establish salaries for separate part-time Treasurer and Monitoring Officer roles.
The Chairman commented that he had received no feedback, on receipt of the agenda, from the Members who had sent their apologies and therefore accepted that they were not against the recommendations as detailed in the report.
Members took time to debate the recommendations and concluded as follows.
(i) The Chief Fire Officer’s (CFO) salary (and that of all Principal Officers whose salaries are determined by reference to the CFO’s pay) be increased by a further 4.5% backdated to 1st July 2023 (to bring the recent ‘Gold Book’ pay award in line with that awarded to ‘Grey Book’ staff);
(ii) It is agreed in principle that the CFO’s salary be further reviewed to ensure the salary is appropriate in comparison to that of other Chief Fire Officers and that the Authority engage external professional support to undertake this review, ensure a proper evaluation of the position and make recommendations;
(iii) the current £3,000 pa supplement paid to the Director of Finance for undertaking the role of Treasurer be increased to an amount equivalent to 10% of the post holder’s basic salary with effect from the date of this meeting;
(iv) appropriate salaries for any future standalone part-time Treasurer and Monitoring Officer roles be as follows:
Treasurer role – 1.5 days per week equivalent pro rata to the salary paid to the ‘Green Book’ Directors
Monitoring Officer role - 1 day per week equivalent pro rata to the salary paid to ‘Green Book’ Directors