The Treasurer informed Members of the current position on the revenue and capital budget for 2023/24 and gave an update on Treasury Management.
Members noted a significant variation to the budget detailed at the Policy and Resources Committee in May where spending slippage in the capital programme had led to a delay in spending and a consequential delay in capital financing costs of £0.250m. It was proposed to use this saving to fund the additional cost of Breathing Apparatus replacement beyond the initial estimate of £1m already provided in reserves. The Chief Fire Officer explained that the delay of the replacement was simply down to lack of technology on the market at the time.
The expected expenditure on reserve funded "Invest to Improve" projects was also noted, in particular that as more projects get underway this estimate would increase during the year.
Members noted that the green book pay award offer which was made on 23 February 2023 had still not been settled.
Members noted the changes to the capital budget since the Authority meeting in June and that the available budget to be spent at the start of 2023/24 was £4.974m.
With regard to Treasury Management, it was noted that the Authority was significantly "under borrowed" to the extent of around £10m. As the Invest to Improve programme progresses, this cash would be used up and additional long term borrowing would be required.
RESOLVED that the Committee:
i) Confirmed the revenue budget allocation adjustments;
ii) Noted the current projection of a £0.250m revenue underspending;
iii) Noted the projected expenditure on “Invest to Improve” projects;
iv) Approved the allocation of the revenue underspend to the Breathing Apparatus project; and
v) Noted the implementation of approved changes to the Capital Budget.