The Head of Legal Services presented a report on compliments, complaints, concerns and requests for information made by the public to the Service over the past 12 months.
Members were informed that there was an increase in the number of complaints received over the past 12 months compared to last year and were assured there were no recurring themes or trends in the concerns and complaints to give any cause for concern.
Members were assured that all complaints are investigated by duty officers, draft responses are sent to Legal Services to be reviewed and all complainants can ask for a further review by the Assistant Chief Fire Officer or make a complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman.
Members noted that there had been an increase in the number of requests for information and SARs during this period. No requests were passed to the Information Commissioners Office for review.
The Assistant Chief Officer then updated Members on the new confidential reporting tool 'Say So'. Members noted that since the introduction of 'Say So' in March 2023 (as recommended by the HMICFRS Spotlight Report in October 2023), there had been 28 concerns raised via members of staff. Since the introduction of 'Say So PLUS' in September 2023 there had been one concern raised by a member of the public.
Members raised concerns about the current confidential reporting scheme that allowed anonymous concerns to be raised. Members asked for an urgent review of the current scheme so as to allow confidential reporting but stop concerns being raised anonymously to avoid potentially vexatious claims.
the Committee noted that during the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024:
i) a total of 117 requests for information containing 433 queries about the Service were received. This number had reduced compared to last year’s figure because requests for incident information were now categorised separately as Miscellaneous Information Requests (MIRs). There were 174 MIRs during this period. No requests were passed to the Information Commissioners Office for review.
ii) a total of 53 compliments were received from the public;
iii) 43 complaints or concerns about Service activities were made;
iv) 39 other complaints or concerns were received about activities carried out by other organisations or individuals;
v) 3 of the complainants appealed the response provided but none were passed to the Local Government Ombudsman for further investigation;
vi) 28 concerns were received via the internal ‘Say So’ confidential and an anonymous reporting tool, from staff; and
vii) 1 concern was received via ‘Say So PLUS’ the confidential and anonymous reporting tool for members of the public.
Members asked the Chief Fire Officer and relevant officers for an urgent review of the current Say So scheme so as to allow confidential reporting but stop concerns being raised anonymously to avoid potentially vexatious claims.