The Deputy Chief Fire Officer presented a Health and Safety update on activities and items of significance for quarters 1 and 2, April to September 2023.
Members noted the National, Regional and local activities that had taken place during the 2 quarters. Members also noted that although the total number of safety events reported had increased by 17 compared to the previous quarters, the 10 Near Hit reports (something with the potential to cause harm) indicated a positive step forward for safety reporting.
Members also noted that in comparison to Quarter 1, there had been a slight decrease in the total days/shifts lost to sickness absence for all staff (Q1 at 2.31 versus Q2 at 2.29), with 848 day/shifts lost overall. The 3 main causes of sickness absence were; Mental Health (44%) Muscular-Skeletal (MSK) (30%), and Respiratory (11%). Members had concern with the increase of Mental Health cases. The Chief Fire Officer assured Members that although there was an emerging trend, the Service provided support with specialised counsellors where appropriate.
RESOLVED that the following issues, in particular, be noted:
i) The involvement of the Service in Health and Safety initiatives;
ii) Health and Safety performance information recorded during April to Sept 2023 (Quarters 1 & 2)
iii) Workforce Health & Wellbeing performance (Quarters 1 & 2)