The Treasurer presented the provisional financial results for 2022-23.
Members noted the error in the Recommendation - ii) g) should read £29,374 'from' the Capital Building Projects Reserve, not 'to'. Members also noted that in paragraph 17 of the report (b vii) Net Other should read £0.135m.
Following a brief outline by the Treasurer of the reserves held, Members were pleased to approve the transfers to and from Earmarked Reserves in accordance with the Reserves Strategy as detailed in the report.
Members noted the delay in the production of the 2022-23 Statement of Accounts due to the late completion of the 2021-22 Audit. The Treasurer will certify them outside the regulatory time-scale.
There was discussion around the Urban Search and Rescue Grant which had been provided to the Service since 2011. The Chief Fire Officer explained that HWFRS is currently one of 19 teams around the country but at any time this could be removed if deemed not viable as there were several units within close proximity to HWFRS. The £800,000 grant per year is to provide specialist units when required.
Finally the Treasurer confirmed that the Prudential Indicators for 2020-21 were within the limits set by the Authority and no matters required further action.
RESOLVED that the Authority:
i) Noted the provisional financial results for 2022-23;
ii) Approved the transfers to and from Earmarked Reserves in accordance with the Reserves Strategy;
a) £349,251 from the Organisational Excellence Reserve;
b) £324,348 from the On-Call Recruitment Reserve;
c) £78,459 from Fire Control Project Reserve;
d) £76,020 from the ICT Replacement Reserve;
e) £74,046 from the Fire Prevention Reserve;
f) £49,000 from the Taxation Income Guarantee Reserve;
g) £29,374 from the Capital Building Projects Reserve;
h) £23,501 from the Sustainability Reserve;
i) £21,327 from the Protection Grants Reserve;
j) £15,478 from the Pensions Reserve; and
k) £139,843 from the Budget Reduction Reserve.
iii) Noted that the production of the 2022-23 Statement of Accounts had been delayed by the late completion of the 2021-22 Audit, that the Treasurer would certify them outside the regulatory time-scale, and that the Audit of the accounts would be undertaken by Grant Thornton LLP; and
iv) Confirmed that the Prudential Indicators for 2022-23 were within the limits set by the Authority and no matters required further action.