The Treasurer informed Members of the current position about information available to support the 2022/23 budget and MTFP, and also sought delegated authority to enter a future Business Rates Pool.
Members were made aware that indications of council tax base changes and collection fund figures for Council Tax and Business rates were still awaited, it was hoped that there would have been an update for today's meeting. The Business rate yield information was not usually expected until mid January.
Further updates would be brought to the Policy and Resources Committee as information on the grant settlement emerged.
Members were asked to give delegated authority to enter into future Business Rates pools if appropriate, to avoid the use of the Urgent Decisions process which had been used in previous years.
RESOLVED that the Authority:
i) noted that the outcome of the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) and its impact on the emerging MTFP was still awaited;
ii) noted that the Policy and Resources Committee would receive a full report as more information was available;
iii) noted the decision taken under the urgent business procedure for the Authority to participate in the business rates pooling for 2021/22; and
iv) give delegated authority to the Treasurer to determine whether to participate in business rate pooling arrangements for future years.