The Treasurer presented Members with a report to receive the provisional financial results for 2020-21, approve final transfers to/from reserves, approve the reallocation of reserves and review the Treasury Management activities for 2020-21 and confirm compliance with the Prudential Code indicators.
Members were informed that the Provisional Financial Results, Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators normally come under the Terms of Reference of the Policy and Resources Committee, however because they required attention between meetings of that Committee, they were considered by the Full Authority.
Members were also informed that the Audit and Standards Committee would consider the full Statement of Accounts later in the year, ordinarily this would be at the July meeting prior to the 31st July deadline; however again there had been a temporary change to the Account and Audit Regulations this year.
Following a brief outline by the Treasurer of the reserves held, the Chief Fire Officer presented Members with details of the re-allocation following a review of the reserves that had identified areas where they could be used effectively to give significant organisational impacts.
Members were pleased to note the details of the reserves and approved the reallocation as stated in the report.
Finally the Treasurer confirmed that the Prudential Indicators for 2020-21 were within the limits set by the Authority and no matters required further action.
RESOLVED that the Authority:
i. Notes the provisional financial results for 2020-21;
ii. Notes the transfers between reserves previously approved in accordance with the Reserves Strategy, or approved by Policy & Resources Committee 2nd December 2020 as below;
a. £0.310m to the Sustainability Reserve;
b. £0.201m to the Protection Grants Reserve;
c. £0.164m from the Day Crew Plus (DCP) Change Reserve;
d. £0.098m from the Property Maintenance Reserve;
e. £0.067m from the Alliance Reserve;
f. £0.048m from the Safety Initiatives Reserve;
g. £0.048m from the Development Reserve;
h. £0.040m from the Fire Control (C&C) Reserve;
i. £0.019m from the Broadway Fire Station Reserve;
j. £0.011 from the Fire Prevention Reserve; and
k. £0.001m from the Equipment Reserve.
iii. Approves the transfers to Earmarked Reserves as set out below:
a. £0.054 to the Pension Reserve;
b. £0.130m to the Taxation Guarantee Grant (TIG) Reserve;
c. £0.602m to the Budget Reduction (Covid) Reserve; and
d. £1.185m to the Budget Reduction Reserve.
iv. Approves the reallocation of Earmarked Reserves to amend the balances to those shown in Appendix 4 Column 7 involving the following net transfers:
a. £1.040m to a new Organisational Excellence Reserve;
b. £0.300m to the Fire Control (C&C) Reserve;
c. £0.500m from the ESMCP Reserve;
d. £1.000m to a new On-Call Recruitment Reserve;
e. £1.200m to a new ICT Replacements Reserve;
f. £0.900m to a new Capital Projects Reserve;
g. £0.837m from the 2017 Pay Award Reserve to close it down;
h. £0.250m to the Property Maintenance Reserve;
i. £3.353m from the Budget Reduction Reserve;
j. £0.121m from the Alliance Reserve to merge with Development Reserve and to close the former; and
v. Approves the release of reserves by the Chief Fire Officer after consultation with the Authority Chair, the Chair of Policy & Resources Committee and the Treasurer.
vi. Notes that the Treasurer will certify the 2020-21 Statement of Accounts, in accordance within the regulatory time-scale, provided relevant information is received from all Billing Authorities;
vii. Notes that the Audit of the accounts will be undertaken by Grant Thornton LLP; and
viii. Confirms that the Prudential Indicators for 2020-21 were within the limits set by the Authority and no matters require further action.