The Treasurer presented a report recommending the Revenue and Capital Budgets and the Council Tax Requirement for 2021/22, the Prudential Indicators and Minimum Revenue Provision Statement (MRP) for 2021/22, the Capital, Investment and Reserves Strategies, the level of Fees and Charges for chargeable services for 2021/22 and potential future resources, their consequential impact on future year budgets and the future Council Tax Requirement (the Medium Term Financial Plan) for approval.
Members expressed their concerns with the pay award 'pause' proposed by the government for public sector workers as felt it didn't portray the right message following a difficult year with Covid and flooding. The Treasurer explained that this was a national award which, if one was agreed, the Service would have to meet and would need to be included in a updated MTFP. The Treasurer confirmed that the figure shown for 2021/22 was for the full year effect of last year's pay award, as this was not clear in the report.
There was a query as to whether Brexit would affect the procurement strategy in the future. The Treasurer confirmed that the biggest procurement was commercial vehicles as most were manufactured in the EU, however based on information from the Home Office, additional inflation had been included in the budget to cover additional costs.
Members thanked the Treasurer for a very comprehensive report and confirmed they were pleased with the Service's good solid financial management and efficiency savings to move forward.
i) the Capital Strategy (paragraphs 13-26) be approved;
ii) the Capital Budget and Programme (Appendix 1) be approved;
iii) the Core Net Revenue Budget of £35,056,000 (Appendix 4) be approved;
iv) the Medium Term Financial Plan (Appendix 5) be approved;
v) the Authority calculates that in relation to the year 2021/22 and set out in Appendix 7:
a) the aggregate expenditure it will incur will be £35,161,200.00;
b) the aggregate income it will receive will be £10,811,794;
c) the net amount transferred to financial reserves will be £131,000.00;
d) the net collection fund deficit is £119,743.11;
e) the net amount of its Council Tax Requirement will be £24,600,149.01;
f) the basic amount of Council Tax will be £87.68 (Band D);
g) the proportional tax-bands will be:
- Band A £58.45
- Band B £68.20
- Band C £77.94
- Band D £87.68
- Band E £107.16
- Band F £126.65
- Band G £146.13
- Band H £175.36
h) the precept demands on the individual Billing Authorities are:
- Bromsgrove £3,260,346.04
- Herefordshire £5,993,071.97
- Malvern Hills £2,741,798.95
- Redditch £2,293,424.78
- Worcester £2,816,300.76
- Wychavon £4,533,534.15
- Wyre Forest £2,961,675.36
vi) the Reserves Strategy (paragraphs 66-74 and Appendix 8) be approved;
vii) the Investment Strategy (paragraphs 75-80) be approved;
viii) the fees and charges for 2021/22 (Appendix 9) be approved; and
ix) the Statement of Prudential Indicators and Minimum Revenue Provision Policy (Appendix 10) be approved.