The Chairman informed Members of the following activity:
- The Chief Fire Officer`s resignation had been acknowledged and all Members had been copied into the reply.
- It is understood the provisional settlement for 2021/22 will be announced on 17 December.
- The Inspectorate Covid report will be published in the new year.
- The Chairman had been involved in the NJC tripartate discussions on Covid work and further pension arrangements following the Sargent ruling.
- Discussions continue with partner public sector organisations for the rebuild of Redditch Fire station.
- The Chairman invited the Chief Fire Officer to give an update on the presentation of Long Service and Good Conduct awards and on the recent recruitment programme for 30 new full time firefighters.
There were a total of 84 awards to be presented to individuals or teams as follows:
- Long Service and Good Conduct – 21
- 40 years' Service – 4
- 30 years' Service – 13
- 20 years' Service – 1
- Firefighters Charity Award individual + Firefighters Charity Team Award (presented to winners and runners up in each category)
- Silver Axe – Top RDS Trainee Recruit
- 5 x CFO Commendations – 28
- 1 x Chairman Commendation – 1
- 8 x CFO Letter of Congratulations – 11
Staff were given the option of either being presented with their award on station by the Chief Fire Officer, District Commander or Station Commander, deferring to the 2021 Medal and Awards Ceremonies or a combination of both to allow family and friends to be part of the ceremony.
With regard to the recent recruitment programme, the details were as follows:
Wholetime Recruitment
There were 796 applications received for wholetime firefighters, 104 were from HWFRS on-call staff, 165 were external firefighters from other services and 527 were new entrants.
The Service has now appointed 30 new staff, to commence in January 2021, 19 of which were new to the Fire Service, 6 were from existing HWFRS on-call staff and 5 were from external FRS.
In addition to appointing 30 staff immediately, a reserve list has also been created should the Service need further new entrants in the next 2 years.
On-Call Recruitment
In 2020, there have been 24 new starters to the On-call system.
Covid restrictions have meant that On-call recruitment was paused between March and August, however since August, On-call recruitment has recommenced and a number of initiatives are underway to support wider recruitment of On-call staff.
Fire Control
In preparation for the new Fire Control structure and 2,2,4, crewing model Fire Control have delivered three recruitment processes in 2020; Watch Commander B (Control), Crew Commander (Control), 12 month fixed term temporary contact for FfCon.
It was very encouraging to receive 45 applicants for the 12 month fixed term position and after an extensive selection process 3 new members will be starting in 2021.
In addition, the supervisory managers promotion processes resulted in 3 Crew Commander positions - 1 internal and 2 external and 1 internal member of staff being promoted to Watch Commander.