The Treasurer informed Members of the actual and potential changes to the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) to 2024/25, and then updated the Committee on changes that had taken place since the report was written:
With regard to the McCloud/Sargeant Employer Contributions, the Home Office has now confirmed that there would be no backdated employers contribution to pay and cost would be spread across future years from 2022/23.
With regard to the Council Tax Collection Fund, the Treasurer confirmed that the latest information from District Treasurers is that loss was around 2% and not 4% and they were expecting the tax base to stagnate as forecast
Members' attention was also drawn to the precept flexibility which would, if approved, allow an increase without going to referendum, and if the Authority chose to do so, that there would be surplus funds.
The Treasurer recommended that the Authority holds onto balances until further funding information is received.
RESOLVED that the Authority:
(i) Notes that the forecast revenue out-turn would result in an in-year transfer to the Budget Reduction Reserve of £1.4m;
(ii) Notes the potential variations to the MTFP; and
(iii) Reconfirms the strategy to hold the Budget Reduction Reserve against future budget uncertainty.