Members were provided with a summary of the Service's Quarters 1-3 performance against a comprehensive set of Performance Indicators agreed by the Senior Management Board.
A Member expressed her concern from her recent canvassing visits that residents had covered their smoke alarms. Members were advised to ask if residents would like a safe and well check from the Fire Service.
There was concern in relation to the increased number of incidents attended by the Service. The Deputy Chief Fire Officer assured Members that this was mainly due to greater partnership working and the more assisting of other services at incidents.
With regard to the monitoring of attendance times, Members were assured that this was being considered with a scientific approach.
In relation to on-call availability, Members requested comparable data. The Chief Fire Officer agreed to investigate neighbouring services and report back at a future meeting.
Members thanked the on-call staff for their excellent availability and service they provide to the communities. Members were assured that the Senior Management Board visit each station yearly to thank the staff personally.
RESOLVED that Members note the following headlines drawn from Appendix 1 relating to performance in Quarters 1-3, 2018-19:
i) A total of 5,780 incidents were attended in Q1-Q3, an increase of 9.45% (499 incidents) over the same Quarters of 2017-18, and 11.30% (587 incidents) higher than the average for the last five years. The overall five year trend shows a gradual increase in the total number of incidents.
ii) The majority of the increase in Q1-Q3 is accounted for by a rise in the numbers of Fire and Special Service incidents, while the number of False Alarm incidents was also up but at a lower rate:
a. Fires: an increase of 15.91% was mainly accounted for by a rise in the number of Secondary Fires (24.00%).
b. Special Services: an increase of 14.10% (176 incidents) was mainly accounted for by increases in the number of Flooding (43), Assisting other agencies (27) and Other Special Services (85) incidents.
c. False Alarms: an increase of 3.26% (82 incidents), the most common automatic activations are at a number of sheltered housing, nursing homes and hospitals.
iii) Overall Staff Sickness level for Q3 2018-19 was 2.50 days lost per head and was slightly above the 5-year average of 1.99.
iv) The Service attended 54.67% (281 incidents) of Primary Building Fires within 10 minutes in Quarters 1-3, compared with 59.82% in the same period in 2017-18. The average time for the first fire appliance attendance at all Primary Building Fires was 10 minutes and 26 seconds.
v) The overall availability of the first On-Call (Retained) fire appliance remains high at 85.21%; however, this has decreased by 3.14% when compared to the same period in 2017-18.