Members were provided with a summary of the Service's Quarter 1 performance against a comprehensive set of Performance Indicators agreed by the Senior Management Board.
In response to a question from a Member regarding crewing proposals, the Chief Fire Officer agreed to bring an update report to the next Fire Authority meeting on 19 December 2018. He also gave an assurance that no permanent changes to people’s contracts would be implemented, in the meantime, without the agreement of the relevant recognised bodies. However, any appropriate variations to people’s working arrangements that do not require any contractual changes would continue to be progressed in order to meet identified Service needs and priorities.
Concern was also expressed over future housing developments in the West of Worcester and the potential requirements on the Service for additional fire cover. The Chief Fire Officer indicated that the next CRMP in 2020 would take account of all new development in the area.
A Member questioned the response times for retained stations but was reassured that the delay was often due to road conditions rather than the distance required to travel.
RESOLVED that Members note the following headlines drawn from Appendix 1 relating to performance in Quarter 1, 2018-19:
i) A total of 1,917 incidents were attended in Q1, an increase of 8.2% (145 incidents) over the same Quarter of 2017-18, and 11.5% (220 incidents) higher than the average for the last five years. However, the overall 5 year trend remains relatively consistent.
ii) The majority of the increase in Q1 is accounted for by a rise in the numbers of Special Service and False Alarms related incidents, while the number of Fire incidents was down:
a. Special Services: an increase of 20.4% (80 incidents) is mainly accounted for by increases in the number of Road Traffic Collisions (44), Flooding (21) and Other Special Services (30
b. False Alarms: a substantial increase of 8.9% (69 incidents), most common automatic activations are at a number of sheltered housing, nursing homes and hospitals.
c. Fires: have decreased slightly by 0.7% (4 incidents) over the previous year.
iii) Overall Staff Sickness levels were 2.06 days lost per head and is above the 5-year average of 1.44.
iv) The Service attended 60.4% (119 incidents) of Building Fires within 10 minutes in Quarter 1, compared with 60.6% in the same period in 2017-18. The average time for the first fire appliance attendance at all building fires was 10 minutes and 32 seconds.
v) The overall availability of the first On-Call (Retained) fire appliance remains high at 88.1%; however, this has decreased by 2.2% when compared to the same period in 2017-18.
vi) That a report on crewing proposals be made available for the next Full Fire Authority meeting in December 2018.