Members were asked to review the current position in relation to budgets for 2018/19 and beyond, and to make recommendations to the Fire Authority.
Members were advised that the increase in the council tax base had been formally confirmed as 1.3%, which is slightly lower than the expected 1.4%. Confirmation of business rate yield was still awaited from the Billing Authorities at the time of the meeting.
Members discussed the on-going pay award provision and noted the 2% provision across the whole Medium Term Financial Plan period.
With regard to the Fleet Strategy, Members requested clarification of the vehicles and were content with the provision.
Members discussed the idea of a new Community Safety project and welcomed the idea of a further report to the Committee on options and how best to promote safety to the public.
1. the Fire Authority be recommended to:
i) agree the amendments to expenditure and resource projections as set out in Appendices 2 to 4 of the report;
ii) increase the Band D Precept by £2.37 (2.98%) in 2018/19;
iii) plan to increase the precept by 3% in 2019/20 and 1.96% per year thereafter;
iv) approve a planning assumption of annual pay awards of 2%;
v) continue to approve the Reserves Strategy to smooth the implementation of efficiencies over the period;
2. the Treasurer be authorised to make appropriate adjustments to the phasing of the use of reserves to accommodate the confirmed council tax-base, council tax collection fund, Business Rate yield and Section 31 Grant figures; and
3. the Chief Fire Officer bring a report to the Committee with recommendations for undertaking a Community Safety project and how best to promote this to the public.