Members were provided with a summary of the Service's Quarter 1 performance against a comprehensive set of Performance Indicators agreed by the Senior Management Board (SMB).
There was particular discussion around retained availability, particularly Kidderminster, Bewdley and Droitwich stations. Members were advised that this was due to a number of personnel leaving the Service in 2017, however progress was being made to fill these positions. It was pleasing for Members to note that nationally the Service compares considerably well for availability.
There was also discussion around Community Risk issues and Members requested regular updates of the campaigns that are undertaken.
Members queried the reduction in attendance times. Officers confirmed that there was no national standard but the Service had set its own stretch target in 2012, which was currently being reviewed.
Members commented on the flooding incidents and were advised that the Service attends to domestic flooding incidents as an emergency but then passes to the appropriate utilities and authorities. Members were assured that flood prevention advice was given by the Service during Home Fire Safety Checks and during engagement with local businesses.
RESOLVED that Members note the following headlines drawn from Appendix 1 relating to performance in Quarter 1, 2017-18:
i) A total of 1772 incidents were attended in Quarter 1, an increase of 5.6% (94 incidents) over the same period in 2016-17, and 7.9% (140 incidents) higher than the average for the last five years.
ii) The majority of the increase in Quarter 1 is accounted for by a rise in the numbers of Secondary Fire incidents, Special Service have stayed relatively constant while the number of False Alarm incidents are down:
a. Fires: an increase of 118 incidents for this period over the previous year is largely accounted for by an increase in Secondary outdoor Fires (up by 98 incidents) due to the warmer spring/early summer period.
b. Special Services: there was an increase of 2 incidents over the period. Most subcategories have actually reduced; these include RTC’s, Rescue/Evacuation from Water, Lift Release, Spills and Leaks (non-RTC) and Ring Removal. The areas in which increases have occurred are Flooding (4 incidents), Animal Assistance incidents (4 incidents), and Assisting other Agencies (15 incidents).
c. False Alarms: there was a decrease of 26 incidents overall when compared to the same period in 2016-17. Only a minor increase of the sub category of False Alarm Good Intent went up by 3 incidents.
iii) Overall Staff Sickness levels are 0.87 days lost per head, which remains within tolerance levels set (see paragraph 3 below) for Quarter 1.
v) The Service attended 60.6% (175 incidents) of Building Fires within 10 minutes in Q1 compared with 62.3% in the same period in 2016-17. The average time for the first fire appliance attendance at all building fires was ten minutes and eleven seconds.
vi) The overall availability of the first On-Call (Retained) fire appliance remains high at 91.2%; this has decreased by 3.2% compared to the same period in 2016-17.