The Treasurer reported that the Authority had previously reviewed the revised Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) which identified a cumulative budget gap (after the approved use of reserves) of £0.947m by 2021/22. The budget gap had been reviewed by the Policy and Resources Committee on 31st January 2018 following the receipt of further information regarding resources.
The final information on resources had now been made available to the Treasurer, who explained that there were still various elements of uncertainty for future years, such as the continuation of the Revenue Support Grant, whether Fire Authorities would be included in the new rates retention process and uncertainty around the continuation of grants such as Firelink. The Treasurer also informed the meeting that the Billing Authorities had now planned for future council tax-base increases that were lower than in previous MTFP forecasts.
The Treasurer presented the expenditure requirement to the Authority, informing Members that the Policy and Resources Committee had considered the level of pay award provision and considered it prudent to provide for an annual 2% increase across the MTFP. The Reserves Strategy was summarised by the Treasurer who highlighted that the Authority had previously confirmed the Budget Reduction Reserve be used to close the budget gaps in the MTFP until major efficiencies came in to play. Based on the assumptions set out by the Treasurer this resulted in a balanced budget to 2021/22 and an indicative core budget gap of £0.697m in 2022/23 and £0.616m in 2023/24.
The Treasurer reminded Members that reserves could only be used once and set out the risks that were present in setting a net budget at £32.236m. The Chairman informed Members that in setting the budget they needed to ensure stability. He explained that the potential increase in staff pay would require an increase in Council Tax as there was no guarantee with regards to funding from Government, however the MTFP and Reserves Strategy had lessened the impact.
Following a question regarding the level of reserves the Treasurer confirmed that there was no specific guidance, although the Audit Commission had stated that 15% of the overall budget was not unreasonable. The ability of an organisation to maintain and replenish reserves had to be taken into account, therefore with regards to Hereford & Worcester the Treasurer stated that a level of £1.5m was appropriate. The Treasurer stated that reserves could only be used once and the Chief Fire Officer explained that all reserves were currently allocated, including those used for equipment to support front-line staff.
i) the Capital Budget and Programme (as set out in Appendix 1 of the report) be approved;
ii) the Revenue Budget (as set out in Appendix 4 of the report) be approved;
iii) the Medium Term Financial Plan (as set out in Appendix 5 of the report) be approved;
iv) as set out in Appendix 6 of the report, the Authority calculates that in relation to the year 2018/19:
a) the aggregate expenditure it will incur will be £32,610,000.00;
b) the aggregate income it will receive will be £9,735,854.00;
c) the net amount transferred from financial reserves will be £298,438.00;
d) the net collection fund surplus is £167,475.00;
e) the net amount of its Council Tax Requirement will be £22,575,808.00;
f) the basic amount of Council Tax will be £81.90 (Band D);
g) the precept demands on the individual Billing Authorities are:
- Bromsgrove £2,991,897.11
- Herefordshire £5,583,743.01
- Malvern Hills £2,494,832.90
- Redditch £2,134,166.59
- Worcester £2,582,184.16
- Wychavon £4,048,774.02
- Wyre Forest £2,740,210.21
v) the Reserves Strategy (as set out in paragraphs 59-65 and Appendix 7 of the report) be approved;
vi) the Investment Strategy (as set out in paragraphs 72-77 of the report) be approved;
vii) the fees and charges for 2018/19 (as set out in Appendix 8 of the report) be approved; and
viii) the Statement of Prudential Indicators and Minimum Revenue Provision Policy (as set out in Appendix 9 of the report) be approved.