[The Assistant Chief Fire Officer (ACFO) withdrew from the meeting during consideration of this item.]
The Chairman informed the meeting that the DCFO had tendered his resignation with a view to retire in July 2018. The Chairman thanked the DCFO for providing the Authority with sufficient notice of his intended departure to allow ample time for future arrangements to be reviewed and implemented.
The Chief Fire Officer presented a proposal to delay the permanent appointment of a DCFO, but instead to make temporary appointments to the DCFO and ACFO posts in light of the uncertainty arising from the submission of the PCC's business case on fire governance.
The PCC and Authority Members thanked the DCFO for his hard work, commitment and leadership which was not only highly regarded throughout the Authority but also amongst partner organisations.
RESOLVED that with effect from the date of retirement of the DCFO (or as agreed by the CFO):
i) the current Assistant Chief Fire Officer (ACFO) be temporarily promoted to the post of DCFO for a period of at least 12 months (with an option to review and extend depending on prevailing circumstances) and that the resultant temporary vacancy at Assistant Chief Fire Officer (ACFO) be filled internally - potentially using a number of candidates; and
ii) the remuneration level of the temporary DCFO & ACFO posts will be the same as the substantive DCFO & ACFO posts respectively, albeit that the positions will not attract any pensionable benefit (due to the temporary nature of the position).