The Treasurer presented a report that informed Members of the current position in relation to budgets for 2017/18 and beyond.
Following consideration by the Policy and Resources Committee on 25 January 2017, it was recommended that:
a. the 2017/18 precept increase is set at £1.53 per year at Band D;
b. future years’ planning should assume an annual precept increase of 1.96%.; and
c. the Budget Reduction Reserve is used to smooth the budget gap in transition to planned efficiency savings.
Members were informed that the Home Office had accepted the Efficiency Plan submitted by the Authority, without any questions or required amendment, and therefore future grant can be relied upon.
The Treasurer informed the meeting that the Government had not yet formally approved the settlement grant, therefore the 2016 position had been maintained.
Members were reminded that the Policy and Resources Committee had yet to recommend how to deploy the managed in-year underspending.
The Treasurer highlighted the budget risks and drew Members' attention to his Personal Assurance Statement.
[Councillor Jenkins entered the meeting at 10.45am].
Members requested an update on the new Hereford Fire Station and were grateful to hear the project was on track.
Members expressed their concern over the Government's reform of business rates and the impact it would have on the financial structure.
The Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee reminded Members that the Medium Term Financial Plan had been considered at their meeting in January and the sensible approach was to increase the annual precept by 1.96%.
i) the Capital Budget and Programme ( Appendix 1 of the report) be approved;
ii) the Revenue Budget (Appendix 4 of the report) be approved;
iii) the Authority calculates that in relation to the year 2017/18:
a) the aggregate expenditure it will incur will be £32,965,000.00;
b) the aggregate income it will receive will be £10,187,950.00;
c) the net amount transferred from financial reserves will be £903,278.00;
d) the net collection fund surplus is £237,704.00;
e) the net amount of its Council Tax Requirement will be £21,636,068.00;
f) the basic amount of Council Tax will be £79.53 (Band D);
g) the precept demands on the individual Billing Authorities are:
• Bromsgrove £2,867,585.35
• Herefordshire £5,376,085.62
• Malvern Hills £2,386,370.81
• Redditch £2,028,739.51
• Worcester £2,476,643.72
• Wychavon £3,873,448.98
• Wyre Forest £2,627,194.01
iv) the Medium Term Financial Plan (Appendix 5 of the report) and Reserves strategy be approved; and
v) the Statement of Prudential Indicators and Minimum Revenue Provision Policy (Appendix 8 of the report) be approved.