Agenda Items
Apologies for Absence
To receive any apologies for absence.
Declarations of Interest (if any)
This item allows the Chairman to invite any Councillor to declare an interest in any of the items on this Agenda.
Chairman’s Announcements
To update Members on recent activities.
The Chairman informed the Authority of recent events he had attended:
- Meeting with the Police and Crime Commissioner on 30 November considering the move to Hindlip Business Park.
- Tour of the new Evesham Fire Station on 1 December and the official handover ceremony on 12 December.
and also announced that Officers had now agreed terms with the landowner (subject to contract) for the purchase of the site known as 'Stourpoint 5' as the new Wyre Forest Emergency Services Hub. Members were informed that there will be a further report to the Policy and Resources Committee in January detailing the next steps.
Public Participation
To allow a Member of the public to present a petition, ask a question or make a statement relating to any topic concerning the duties and powers of the Authority.
Members of the public wishing to take part should notify the Head of Legal Services in writing or by email indicating both the nature and content of their proposed participation to be received no later than 2 clear working days before the meeting (in this case Monday 12 December 2016). Further details about public participation are available on the website. Enquiries can also be made through the telephone numbers/email listed below.
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 October 2016.
Should Members need to discuss the exempt minute item, the public and press will need to be excluded on the grounds that the discussion would be likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information relating to the financial or business affairs of the Authority.
Exempt Minute Item 14
- Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information);
Resolved that the minutes of the meeting of the Fire Authority held on 11 October 2016 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
The purpose of this report is to inform Members of the outcome of the recent Day Crewing Plus (DCP) duty system review.
Councillor Anne Hingley entered the meeting at 10.40am.
Members were informed of the outcome of the recent Day Crewing Plus (DCP) duty system review which had been running since April 2015 and scheduled to end March 2017. This had generally proved successful and now needed to be considered as part of the wider options available to the Service. Members agreed to the extension to the trial at Hereford and Worcester stations for a further 12 months whilst further options are explored to meet the Medium Term Financial Plan.
RESOLVED that an extension to the DCP trial at Hereford and Worcester Stations be agreed for a further 12 months (until March 2018) whilst further options are explored to meet the Medium Term Financial Plan.
To seek the Authority’s approval of the Member Development Strategy 2017-2020.
The Authority was asked to approve the Member Development Strategy 2017-2020.
Members were advised that each yearly programme will focus on the theme 'Adding Extra Value'. It was queried why the Strategy ran from January to December rather than the municipal year and it was agreed that officers would look at this.
Members were informed that each annual programme will be put forward to the Audit and Standards Committee for approval.
Members expressed their thanks to officers and staff for their helpfulness and for always ensuring they are kept up to date.
RESOLVED that the Authority approves the Member Development Strategy 2017-2020.
To inform Authority Members of the meeting dates for 2017/18.
Members were informed of the Fire Authority and Committee meeting dates for 2017/18 and were reminded that all dates had been cross checked with each Constituent Authority, where meetings had already been set.
RESOLVED that the meeting dates for 2017/18 be noted.
To inform the Authority of recent key developments and activities.
The Chief Fire Officer informed the Authority of recent key developments and activities, which included:
- Herefordshire Awards and Medals Ceremony
- Combined Fire Authority Conference
- World Rescue Challenge 2016
Members were then provided with a presentation, including video footage of the Service Exercise on 11 October and an outline of the key outcomes and lessons learned. This was an invaluable training event for staff, simulating a major motorway incident and demonstrating the effectiveness of collaboration with the emergency services.
Members expressed their gratitude for being invited to such an event and congratulated officers in organising such a large event so professionally.
To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2016.
The Chairman of the Committee reported the proceedings of the Policy and Resources Committee meeting held on 17 November 2016.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee meeting held on 17 November be received and noted.
To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 27 September 2016.
The Chairman of the Committee reported the proceedings of the Audit and Standards Committee meeting held on 27 September 2016.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Audit and Standards Committee meeting held on 27 September 2016 be received and noted.
To provide Members with Code of Conduct training at the end of the meeting.
Members were provided with Code of Conduct training which covered their general obligations, Register of Interests, Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Disclosable Interests, Gifts and Hospitality and Information Security.
Councillors Udall, Vickery, Fry and Jenkins left the meeting at 11.44am.
Councillor Jenkins returned to the meeting at 11.46am.
Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting