Agenda Items
Apologies for Absence
To receive any apologies for absence.
Declarations of Interest (if any)
This item allows the Chairman to invite any Councillor to declare an interest in any of the items on this Agenda.
No interests were declared.
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8 october 2015.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Fire Authority held on 8 October 2015 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Chairman’s Announcements
To update Members on recent activities.
The Chairman updated Members on the events he had recently attended:
- The large scale Service Exercise Odin on 11 October at the Fire Service College which highlighted the skills and energy of fire crews and emphasised how critical it was to work in collaboration with other emergency services.
- The Annual Combined Fire Authorities Conference on 22 October which provided a useful opportunity for all Chairs and Chief Fire Officers of Combined Fire Authorities to meet.
- The Royal opening of Worcester Fire Station which was officially opened by His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester on 19 November.
- The Hereford Medal Ceremony that took place on 20 November where county-based firefighters and fire service support staff were honoured and recognised for their outstanding service and commitment to the Service.
- The Carol Service at Pershore Abbey on 9 December where the Fire Service Choir gave an outstanding performance. The Chairman recommended that Members should attend in future years.
The Chairman also announced that a Budget Seminar for all Members would be held on 18 January following Audit and Standards Committee.
Public Participation
To allow a Member of the public to present a petition, ask a question or make a statement relating to any topic concerning the duties and powers of the Authority.
Members of the public wishing to take part should notify the Head of Legal Services in writing or by email indicating both the nature and content of their proposed participation no later than 2 clear working days before the meeting (in this case 14 December 2015). Further details about public participation are available on the Council’s website. Enquiries can also be made through the telephone numbers/email listed below.
A short presentation will be provided at the meeting by AC Mark Preece and GC Adrian Elliot.
Members were given an overview of community risk context and activity. The presentation covered aspects of technical fire safety, community safety and fire prevention, road safety, partnership working and signposting. The presentation emphasised the evolving agenda as the service continues to develop its capabilities.
Officers responded to a number of Members questions following the presentation.
To inform the Authority of recent key developments and activities.
The Chief Fire Officer informed the Authority of recent key developments and activities. During the discussions the following issues were raised:
- Some Members were concerned that the pilot scheme to enable Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) to train as retained (on-call) firefighters in Herefordshire would leave rural parts of the county exposed and lacking police cover.
- The Chief Fire Officer reassured Members that this was a complementary community safety role for the PCSOs and as it was a pilot project at this stage it would be closely monitored.
- The new Worcester Fire Station was officially opened on 19th November 2015 by His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester. Following a query from a Member, the Chief Fire Officer confirmed that he had met with the Chairman and agreed to approach the Lord Lieutenant to investigate the availability of a member of the royal family to support the opening. The Duke of Gloucester was put forward as he was involved in an event at the University of Worcester on the same day.
RESOLVED that the report be noted.
To receive the minutes from the meeting held on 16 November 2015
The Chairman of the Committee reported the proceedings of the meeting held on 16 November 2015 and highlighted that the Committee had approved the Authority's policy on Sky Lanterns at the meeting.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee meeting held on 16 November 2015 be received and noted.
To inform Authority Members of the meeting dates for 2016/17.
The Head of Legal Services presented the Authority meeting dates for 2016/17.
RESOLVED that the dates for 2016/17 Authority and Committee meetings be noted.
In the opinion of the Clerk to the Authority the meeting will not be, or is not likely to be open to the public and press at the time item 11 is considered for the following reason: Item 11 is likely to disclose information relating to an individual as set out in paragraph 10.4 of the Access to Information procedure Rules.
RESOLVED that the public and press be excluded from the meeting for consideration of the following item due to the liklihood that it discloses information relating to an individual.
To consider a request from the Chief Fire Officer for permission to retire with effect from 31st March 2016.
The Authority considered a request from the Chief Fire Officer for permission to retire with effect from 31 March 2016. The Head of Legal Services explained that although the rules surrounding the retirement of members of the Firefighters Pension Scheme 1992 were clear, leading Counsel had confirmed that the Chief Fire Officer was eligible to retire and that there would be no legal or tax implications for the Authority should permission be granted.
RESOLVED that permission for the Chief Fire Officer to retire with effect from 31 March 2016 be given.
Members expressed their thanks and extended good wishes to the Chief Fire Officer for the future.
Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting